Kayla from Green Mountain Couple has nominated me for the Liebster Award (and just so happens to be one of my matches for this month's cara box exchange)! I don't think it is possibly to be more flattered. I will warn you, this is a Crazy long post!
So, Here is what you do with the Liebester Award:
11 Facts about myself
I am going to do my best to keep these as original as possible. Speaking from experience, random facts are hard to come up with
1) I am probably one of the most shy people you will meet. People that have known me for a long time won't agree with me on this, but ask my husband. People scare me, especially new people.
2) I was raised my a single mother who was a drug addict (or a recovering drug addict, depending) the majority of my childhood. This really shaped a lot of who I am today, and truthfully, I wouldn't change any of it.
3) When I first met my husband, he was engaged to someone else. No, I wasn't the reason they broke up, but I will admit I was pretty excited when I heard the news. We started dating about 2 and a half years later.
4) I think the color of a green traffic light is the perfect shade of green.
5) When I was a child, I was always trying to start a tradition in my family. If we made a gingerbread house one year for Christmas, I would insist that we would do it every year because we were making it a tradition. Now, I could care less about traditions. Maybe when we have children I will care.
6) I am a Bible School drop out. I made it through three semesters before calling it quits.
7) Dean and I barely agree on children's names. Because of this, we have picked out 2 boy names and 2 girl names that we both agree on. I am still not completely thrilled with the boy names, but I am sure I will love them when there is a child to claim them.
8) I have a freckle (or a beauty mark or mole or whatever it is) on my bottom lip. I hated it when I was younger, now I often forget I have it.
9) Only two of my four bridesmaids were able to make it to my wedding. That's what happens when you toss your "plans" out the window and decide to "elope"
10) I married an extreme gamer. No, not Halo or whatever Xbox game you are thinking of. He plays RPGs (Role Playing Games) such as Dungeons and Dragons or Call of Cthulhu. I tried twice, I will never get those 10 hours of my life back again. He goes on Wednesdays and I pretend he is playing poker.
11) My tiny oven in my less than 400 square foot apartment, doesn't really work properly. Therefore, all of the meals I make I make on the stove top or in the crock pot. That also means I only make no-bake cookies at home, or I use a friend's oven to bake. yep, it sucks.
My 11 questions from Kayla and Dan:
1. Why did you start Blogging?
I originally started a blog when I wrote my list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days. Life didn't really go as planned (does it ever?) and that list got left in the dust. However, I did enjoy writing and I needed an out let. So about a month ago I started over again.
2. How long have you been Blogging?
At a good normal rate? Only about a month. I am a baby!
3. What is your opinion on "Prepping"?
I think it is a wise choice to be prepared as much as possible for any type of disaster or what have you. Unfortunately, I don't live in a home large enough for me to work on a stock pile. This is something I would like to have though.
4. How many states have you been to/in?
Oh boy quite a few (although not as many as others). Here is a list (in alphabetical order no less!):
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
South Carolina
5. Do you have and tattoos? If yes, of what?
Not yet, I have plans for one on my foot though.
6. Favorite color?
This changes all the time. It is currently yellow. But a good stand by is always aqua blue.
7. Favorite Holiday?
Fourth of July. Not that I am overly patriotic or anything, I just really like fireworks and summer time.
8. Favorite Board Game?
I really enjoy Blokus. It's simple, but involves a lot of strategy. My kind of game.
9. How many siblings do you have? If you do, are you Oldest, Middle or Youngest?
Technically I am an only child. I have actually been thinking about writing a blog post about my crazy family dynamic, I think I will within the next month. I do have an "adopted" little brother named Sen.
10. Have you ever broken a bone?
Yes. I broke my face during a Superbowl party in 2006. You can read about that here.
11. Ultimate Goal for 2013?
Move to a bigger home. It doesn't even have to be a house or the place that we will be permanently Just a place that can be "ours" and have a little room to grow (if you know what I mean)
MY 11 nominees:
Okay, truth is, this was the most difficult blogging tasks I have faced yet. Finding a blgger to nominate is hard enough, but then every time I thought I had the perfect nominee, I realized that they had more than 200 followers and that made them eligible. On top of that, not all of them have a "contact me" button, so I am not sure how to contact them to let them know I have nominated them. Maybe it's just cause I am new at this, maybe because there really is no way. So I may have possibly bent the rules a little bit. They may not have less than 200 followers, but they don't have as many as I think they should. And I probably didn't contact them (or you) So here you go:
1) Amanda from Where there is Love there is Life
2) Kaity from (Bee)autiful Blessings
4) Brittany at Blissfully Britt
5) Jamie from Things in YOU
6) Megalin at Turquoise Lollipops
7) Samantha at It's all in the Details
8) Whitney at Black Little Button
9) Ashley from Raising our Little Devil Pups
10) Becca from Faith Love and Babies
11) Christina at Dream on, Lovely
My 11 Questions:
1) What is one goal you would like to accomplish in your lifetime?
2)If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you?
3) When you were little, who was your favorite super hero and why?
4) What’s the ideal dream job for you?
5) What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?
6) Tell us something you hate doing. Why?
7) What is that one thing which makes you different?
8) What's the funniest pick up line used on you?
9) If you turn into your partner for a day, what would you do?
10) What's the naughtiest thing you have done in school?
11) If you could have an unlimited storage of one thing, what would it be?
I am looking forward to reading all of your answers and getting to know more blogger friends!